Wednesday, November 18, 2015

No Excuse for Not Voting Your Conscience Twice

The candidacy of Bernie Sanders has re-ignited the truly progressive wing of the Democratic Party and is bringing people into the party who otherwise would feel no compelling reason to vote in primaries and caucuses. This is a good thing and we hope that his campaign leads to his nomination and election.

Such hope will continue to be cultivated by official and unofficial supporters of Sanders. We here at GEG want to maintain a positive approach in our support of his campaign. We do not, however, believe that our support has to be uncritical. Preparing a plan B is not a negation of plan A, but a refusal to even consider an alternative is political blindness. The Democratic Party is more than happy, as they have proven several times, to wrap their corporatist agenda in a progressive package if it will keep the base loyal.

Already the signs of sheepdogging have begun. Obama's former campaign manager, David Axelrod has put out the welcome mat (be still my heart) with his claim that Bernie Sanders has already won by moving Hillary leftward. Hillary's campaign will continue to patronize Sanders supporters and eventually Sanders will keep his pledge by endorsing Clinton and urging his followers to support her in the general election.

Part and parcel of this schmoozing tactic is the fear factor of lesser evilism. Nader Redux will be the hue and cry warning to those who would spoil the general election by going Green, Socialist or independent. If we grant this dubious appeal a degree of merit, we also must alert Sanders's supporters to the fact that we are not the only disenchanted voters in the two party system. Just as many, if not more Republican primary voters will be shafted by their party when Rand Paul's campaign is thwarted.

The Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party will be competing to bring Paulites on board in the general election. And in the event that a Cruz, Huckabee, Carson, or Santorum is not on the GOP ticket, the CP nominee will be siphoning cultural conservatives as well.

2016 is on all sides an ideal year to vote one's conscience in both the primaries and the general election.

Even if you buy the anti-spoiler argument, it only applies in swing states. Outside of those six or seven, the rest of the nation is voting lopsided for one of the two corporate parties. What we need is a strong Sanders showing followed by a conscientious voting public in November.

The stronger the showing of Sanders (and Rand Paul for the other side), the better third parties will be situated to punish the business as usual imperial oligarchs. And besides, what harm will it do Jill Stein for the green-at-heart to vote for Sanders before they vote for her?

Unfortunately, the deck and the money are stacked way high against any kind of outsider pulling off a nomination or an election. Corporatists control the process and their grip is not going to be loosened until we diminish their legitimacy at the polls. It begins with supporting Sanders but if it ends there, we basically get a majority president who will feel zero obligation to act on behalf of the people they bamboozled into thinking she cares for those who are not footing her bill.

Push both tickets toward or below 40% in the popular vote and we stand a chance of making things happen for real on the policy front. Get herded in again and get the same results we have been getting all along.

No excuses this time. Vote and stick with your conscience!

Go Green in the General Election.